Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Entrepreneur Fitness Journey Continues! Ruckus: Check. Next Up? HitchFit.

Last Saturday, May 5th, I traveled to St. Louis to participate in something called Ruckus. For the uninitiated, Ruckus is an obstacle course race designed to be able to challenge everyone from young kids to the most seasoned adult athletes.  Ruckus is all about sweat, mud and fun—and that’s exactly what I experienced under a sunny day in STL last weekend.  With 1100 of my new best (but very muddy) friends, I was able to take my first step towards achieving a fitness goal—and I used the Ruckus obstacle course race as the initial test.

While running the two-mile “Heater”, I learned a lot of things about myself.  While I was mentally up for the challenge, I had a long way to go physically. As an entrepreneur, I really do like instant gratification. Unfortunately, the world of startups is anything but that. The Ruckus race would prove to be another delayed gratification drill.

While I was able to finish with a respectable time, I found that I wanted to do better. Perhaps it was the 90+ degree heat. Perhaps it was the intense sun beating down on me for my 12:40PM start time. Whatever it was, one thing is for sure: I was not in the shape that I wish that I had been in. While I was in better shape than I was 30-45 days ago, I was still a long way from my ultimate goal. 

I’m an entrepreneur; I like goals. But this fitness goal was still yet to be achieved in my mind. With that, I’m excited to embark on my next entrepreneur fitness journey and still encourage others to do the same by starting HitchFit. HitchFit is the brain child of fitness and body-building experts Micah Lacerte and Diana Chaloux, who are very dedicated trainers and are really trying to make a difference in the fitness world for average people like you and me. While they may appear anything but average, their personalities, humility, and graciousness to be able to help people like myself far exceeds what I really deserve from somebody like them, with their credentials.

So, here I go again.  It’s time for me to continue on in my entrepreneurial fitness journey.  By starting HitchFit next week, I hope to get one step closer toward my fitness goal to be more fit and ultimately become a better leader, business decision maker, husband, father, and friend to others.  At the same time, I hope to start feeling better about my healthy lifestyle choices. 

I hope that this information serves as inspiration to all of you entrepreneurs out there trying to change your fitness regimen.  What do ya say?  Why not turn off the iPhone, step away from the computer and get exercising?  What steps are you taking to get in shape and turn your lifestyle around?  Stay tuned for more. 

Follow me! @thinkbigKC 

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